Skateboarding in Málaga 2015 - San Miguel aber schnell Tour

A short film about friends skateboarding in Málaga/ Spain. Escaping from the bad weather in Germany in winter (February 2015).
Shot on Panasonic GH3, Sony AX2000 and iPhone 5 and 6.

Starring: Patrick Ketterle, Dennis Götz, Emanuel Ewals, Robert Schwarz, Alexander Guhm and Arne Birk.

For more Information:

Music by:

1. "Today" von Heroin UK (
2. "Cranial Contest" von Superhumanoids (
3. "DopeSick" von Heroin UK (
4. "Contemporary Individual" von Superhumanoids (
5. "Chorus Hymeneal" von The Agrarians (
6. "Pobre de mí" von Arponera (
7. "I've Been Waiting For You" von Silence Is Sexy (
8. "Ufos" von The Spectacular Fantastic (